That waiting thing/Technology and Privacy: A film from the What does Privacy Look Feel and Sound Like Workshop

In this film, Karina talks about her personal relationship with technology and how technology enables her to express aspects of her identity. The desire to express her identity hasn’t changed over the years, but technology has and with it, Karina’s ability to express and explore different aspects of who she is.

VOME Workshop: what does Privacy Look Feel and Sound Like? Karina Townsend from VOME on Vimeo.

Karina Townsend is a bit of a music geek.  As a girl, she would wait in great anticipation for her favorite music to be played on the radio.  When it came on, she would quickly push the ‘record’ button of her cassette player, capturing it on tape.  She still looks back on this time with a certain amount of nostalgia.  Karina enjoyed the waiting, and excitement of managing to capture her favorite songs.  During this time she built up quite a personal historic archive of the music played then.

I really like the idea of doing that.  –I mean, of Karina doing that.  Me?  No thanks.  The truth is, I would find the waiting part of it too hard to endure.

At the moment waiting for anything at all actually drives me nuts, bonkers, crazy, on the brink of insanity.  I’ve waited enough in my life.  Why do I have to wait, if I can do and have something here and now, instantly?

Link here to read Freya’s complete thoughts on Karina’s presentation


August 17, 2011