Athina’s Insight: A film from the What does Privacy Look Feel & Sound Like Workshop

Anthina Antoniaouis is calmly intense, holds a steady gaze and   drinks her vodka double, neat, poured over ice cubes.  She is a woman with depth, she has learned about life.  Listening intensely, she bears herself as someone who understands the seasons, the mountains, the seas, humanity and nature itself.  She is streetwise, perfectly at home in any urban setting finding her way effortlessly through winding alleys and high-rises.  Anthena is just plain cool in a chilled kind of a way.  And she produces exciting, thought provoking art.

VOME Workshop: What does Privacy Look Feel and Sound Like? Athina Antoniadou from VOME on Vimeo.

Link here read Freya’s complete thoughts on the presentation


September 6, 2011