Giampaolo Bella

Giampaolo Bella teaches and researches with the University of Catania, Cambridge University and De Montfort University. His main research interests lie in the analysis of crucial security properties by formal methods based on mechanical tools such as proof assistants, or manual tools such as soft constraint solving.

After his Ph.D. from Cambridge University Computer Laboratory, he was a research associate at Technical University Munich for a semester, and then back at Cambridge University for a three-year EPSRC project on verifying e-commerce protocols. In 2008, he was a senior researcher with SAP Research France on the European Project AVANTSSAR for the validation of service-oriented architectures.

He has published the book “Formal Correctness of Security Protocols” with Springer-Verlag in the Information Security and Cryptography series (ISBN: 978-3-540-68134-2), where he investigates proofs of correctness of realistic security protocols using a formal language with strong machine support. Bella acts as PC member for various international conferences in the area of formal methods or computer security. He has chaired the track in Computer Security at the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing since its inception in 2002.